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A male Burmy evolves into a Mothim and a female Burmy evolves into a Wormadam. Burmy will evolve at lv. 20.

By the way, the cloak and type of Wormadam all depend on where she evolved: Plant Cloaked Wormadam is be a Grass-Bug type. (Evolution in a forrest)

Sand Cloaked Wormadam is be a Ground-Bug type. (Evolution in a cave)

Trash Cloaked Wormadam is be a Steel-Bug type. (Evolution in a town or building) -------------------------

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9y ago

A male Burmy evolves into Mothim, while a female one evolves into Wormadam.

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Q: What is the difference between a male burmy and a female burmy?
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You have to evolve a FEMALE burmy. Male Burmy will evolve into Mothim instead

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