Burmy's evolution stage is called Wormadam if it is a female, but is Mothim if it's a male.
you can get the grass burmys in route 38
put two burmys in the day care and they'll make eggs.
There are three different types. -Plant Cloak Burmy is the one with green leaves -Sandy Cloak Burmy is yellow -Trash Cloal Burmy is pink
If you mean the National Pokedex, it's Vileplume It is the alternate evolved form of Gloom (which can also evolve into Bellossom using a Sun Stone) Using a Leaf Stone evolves Gloom into Vileplume The evolution cycle for Vileplume is Oddish (Grass/Poison) --Level 21--> Gloom (Grass/Poison) --Leaf Stone--> Vileplume (Grass/Poison) For more information about Vileplume, follow this link: http://pokemon.marriland.com/platinum/pokedex/vileplume/ If you mean the Sinnoh Pokedex (for Platinum), it's Burmy (Bug) Burmy can be found in 3 different forms: the Plant Cloak, the Sandy Cloak, and the Trash Cloak Female Burmys evolve at 20 into Wormadam (Bug/Grass) Male Burmys evolve at 20 into Mothim (Bug/Flying) For more information about Burmy, follow this link: http://pokemon.marriland.com/platinum/pokedex/burmy/ Hope this helps :P
there is no earth evolution of eevee retards there is no earth evolution of eevee retards there is no earth evolution of eevee retards there is no earth evolution of eevee retards there is no earth evolution of eevee retards there is no earth evolution of eevee retards
you can get the grass burmys in route 38
below 50%
You can go to pastoria city and go directly north to route 214 until you come across a guy walking up and down and keep going south and on the right side on the screen there is a blond haired lady looking right and she has wormadam.
put two burmys in the day care and they'll make eggs.
all Burmys evole at level 20
a trainer south of hearthome city will have 3 evloved burmys
the awnser is no burmy like honey so it can be found on honey trees only stupid!
well if your stupid burmy evolves into poopoolacashud. this Pokemon is so rare that it will beat the elite four with one move. good luck
male burmys evolve into mothim ay lvl. 20 or 30 females evolve into wormadam
EVERYONE KEEPS ASKING THIS!!! Smear honey on a tree. If a FEMALE burmy comes, catch it. female burmys evolve into wormadam, no 45.
There are three different types. -Plant Cloak Burmy is the one with green leaves -Sandy Cloak Burmy is yellow -Trash Cloal Burmy is pink