members have to pay but hey get more skills then free and also get to go more places do more quests and find new items
You will need to be a runescape member to post on forums, if you are a free user you can only browse them.
You will be safely teleported to a free to play area.
f2p means free-to-play meanig a non member cause you play for free being non member where as p2p is pay-to-play meaning a member who gets tons of advantages but has to pay actual money
no you can't. you have to be member to fight them u can only fight one dragon if ur not a member and its the one in "Dragon Slayer Quest"
Full Rune is the current best melee Armour for free to play characters.
You can't.
They are a non-member/ free player.
Yes you can have a free runescape account but you would need to get that account from level 3 to 100 yourself... you only have to pay to be a member Note that transferring an account between players is against the RuneScape rules.
he is this member that gives out good stuff for free
You will need to be a runescape member to post on forums, if you are a free user you can only browse them.
Member User: Masterhenryx Pass: Master
Do you mean RuneScape? If you mean RuneScape, the only way you can get member's items are if you get a membership. Memberships cost $5.95 a month.
Runescape membership costs real money; it would be silly to give it for free to unknown people.
Live in the usa? Why dont yo try paybyphone?
Hackscape is a private server created by a random player of Runescape ( you can't trust in case of viruses ).Runescape is Created by Jagex and is official, meaning its completely safe to use 100% virus free.