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members have to pay but hey get more skills then free and also get to go more places do more quests and find new items

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Q: What is the difference between a free user and member in RuneScape?
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Can you be a member on runescape for free?


How can you be a member for free in RuneScape?

You can't.

Runescape Is jackscape a member?

They are a non-member/ free player.

Do you get gold for free for being a member on Runescape?


Can you have a free runescape account prefered a lvl 100 or higher?

Yes you can have a free runescape account but you would need to get that account from level 3 to 100 yourself... you only have to pay to be a member Note that transferring an account between players is against the RuneScape rules.

Who is zabadoo789 on RuneScape?

he is this member that gives out good stuff for free

How do you write on the forums RuneScape?

You will need to be a runescape member to post on forums, if you are a free user you can only browse them.

Who has a free runescape account you can have?

Member User: Masterhenryx Pass: Master

Are there free member items on game scape?

Do you mean RuneScape? If you mean RuneScape, the only way you can get member's items are if you get a membership. Memberships cost $5.95 a month.

Can i have a runescape member pin for free please my email is

Runescape membership costs real money; it would be silly to give it for free to unknown people.

How do you get a free RuneScape member?

Live in the usa? Why dont yo try paybyphone?

What is the difference between hackscape and RuneScape?

Hackscape is a private server created by a random player of Runescape ( you can't trust in case of viruses ).Runescape is Created by Jagex and is official, meaning its completely safe to use 100% virus free.