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Peirced Losange

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Q: What is the diamond in 1SG rank called?
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What is the diamond called of the 1SG rank?

it merely denotes first sergeant status

What does the pierced lozenge in 1sg rank signify?

It represents the tip of a sword or spear signifying that the 1SG is the top NCO in the company.

What is the correct signature block for enlisted soldiers?

FIRST M. LAST (all caps) RANK, USA (USA=US Army) FIRST M. LAST RANK, USA Specialty Position (i.e. First Sergeant, Command Sergeant Major) FIRST M. LAST RANK, USA Retired Rank is normally abbreviated. REF: AR 25-50

What is the name of the diamond shaped device in first sergeant rank?

It is called a Lozenge.

How do you get diamond rank on Pokemon exploers of sky?

Type your answer here... keep doing outlaws and jobs and you can get the diamond rank

What are the ranks in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Time?

Normal Rank Bronze Rank Silver Rank Gold Rank Diamond Rank super Rank Hyper Rank Master Rank Master Rank* Master Rank** Master Rank*** Guild Master Rank Secret Rank (Save Scizor from Crevice Cave)

Is there a rank higher than diamond rank on Pokemon mystery dungeon?

Yes there is, there is the Lucario Rank which requires 15000 points.

What are the ranks in Pokemon Explorers of Sky?

The ranks are: Normal Rank, Bronze rank, Silver Rank, Gold Rank, Diamond Rank, Super Rank, Ultra Rank, Hyper Rank, Master Rank, Master * Rank, Master ** Rank, Master *** Rank, and Guildmaster Rank.

How do you get diamond rank on Pokemon red rescue team?

You need 7,500 rescue points so, just keep doing rescue missions until you get diamond rank.

How do you get the diamond rank in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon explorers of darkness?

Do alot of missions and I am on diamond rank, having trouble beating dusknoir (the part before primal dialga).

Is diamond stronger than emerald?

No, diamond is stronger than emerald. Rank of hardness Emerald: 8 Diamond: 10

What is the abbreviation for Retired Sergeant?

1SG (ret)