

Best Answer

I am a soldier,

A soldier I am

The soul in me is…

an expression of discipline, morality and patriotism.

For the reason of my existence is not to live but let live

Who says a soldier does not feel hunger?

Sure he does, for soldier is human

Who says a soldier does not feel fatigue?

Sure he does, for soldier is human

Who says a soldier does not feel love?

For sure he does, and he loves like a man!

Only one thing a soldier does not…

There is only one thing a soldier can not do;

he cannot be killed; soldier is immortal.

He will turn into a flower that blossoms on mountaintops,

he will become a martyr, and live forever in loving hearts,

his shed blood will paint the red of our flag.

No tombstone can tame his vastness…

Come my soul mate, come!

Come my holy hearth come!

Hey! My braveheart of the East!

Hey! My braveheart of the Aegean!

Hey! My braveheart of the Black Sea!

Hey! My Anatolian braveheart!


The bridal dress of my sister; (My sister's wedding dress)

The final coat of my martyr.

In the shadow of the blood red flag,

Come, with pride, with persistence, with dignity

Come, let your feet crash the ground.

Here they come!!!

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Q: What is the dialog for a soldier in a fancy dress competition?
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