Depending on how old you and he are then a pimp suit or a hottie outfit like a bunny outfit or a little bo peep costume, or go as something he really likes! -This above answer is disagreeable to me because of the mere fact that both options included are presenting the fact to said man, that you are easy to get into bed. If that is not the vibe you would enjoy him to receive then go as something very unique to you. If its different everyone is bound to notice. Maybe to add some alluring nature to it, go as a murdered old movie star or an alive one but either way you can add some mystery by wearing a bodycon/form fitting dress full of sequins, just sparkle that will attract the eye and the lights. Make sure this dress is of decent color and although its form fitting, too tight is NOT the way to go. You don't want to offend anyone (like a "pimp suit or a hottie outfit" would!).
This means they like the way you are dressed and they think you are very pretty.
Is said to be a provocateur.a provocateur
it will be a game on the xbox they said on con 2008 it can be downloaded they said or disc i dont understand the speech but i think they said xbox360 so there you go it will u better get an xbox360
"I may be a scarecrow, but I'm here to wow the crowd with my unique charm and style. With my straw hat and patchwork outfit, I bring a touch of whimsy and creativity to the runway. So, let's all gather 'round and enjoy the magic of this fancy scarecrow!"
He said for him that means no jeans and a button up. I don't really want to wear a dress because it is cold. Would black skinny jeans with a cute top be ok?
what can be a dialogue for a lawyer in fancy dress competition for children9
There are no rules per se -- just use proper punctuation. Characters speak differently, and each of them will have individual ways of talking. In general, avoid trying to use fancy synonyms for the word "said," though -- it makes the reader stop reading to try to figure out how the character is talking. Just say "he said," "she said," or "he asked."
Joe said, "Wow! That was the best birthday ever."
Start a new paragraph whenever you change speakers.Enclose the actual speech in quotation marks.Keep the dialogue logical but interesting (write what sounds good, not what people actually say with all the "er," "um," and stuff)Don't use fancy synonyms for the word "said" - just write "he said" or "she said" and the reader will ignore it and keep going.Show the movements of the characters during dialogue to keep things interesting.
I don't think the book said what color Hillaris dress was, but Stargirl's dress was a sunflower yellow.
She is probably drunk.
In American English, dialog tags are typically placed outside the quotation marks. For example: "I love to read," she said. However, in British English, dialog tags are often placed inside the quotation marks. For example: "I love to read", she said. It's important to be consistent with whichever style guide you choose to follow.
Anything that describes dialogue. * he said * she said * he said with a withering look * she commented with a look and a glance that meant something else entirely. * he said with a loud hack meant to conceal the meaning. * she said undoing the top four buttons of her blouse. *
Even if he does Nicki does not fancy him, she said on "Alan Car's chatty man show" that he will never pull me.
Lew Wasserman