Luke Skywalker and Lancelot are fancy dress characters. Little Red Riding Hood and Little Bo Peep are fancy dress characters.
Lancelot, leprechaun, lifeguard, lion, Little Bo Peep, Little Red Riding Hood, Luke Skywalker and lumberjack are fancy dress ideas.
Lex Luthor Lucius Malfoy Little Mermaid Lois Lane Lola (in Run Lola Run)
There are only two letters starting with L that I can think of; the Letter of the alphabet, which is "L" and the Word "Letter." As "Letter" is longer than "L" I can only assume that the word "Letter" is the longest letter starting with L. lymphoblastic leukemia
Words starting with L that mean clear are - lucid and limpid.
an ice cube
A lamp post
Lancelot, leprechaun, lifeguard, lion, Little Bo Peep, Little Red Riding Hood, Luke Skywalker and lumberjack are fancy dress ideas.
· Lion Trainer · Lumberjack · Lifeguard
lady bug, little bo peep, little red riding hood, lion. leopard?
lioness lifeguard little girl little Red Ridinghood Lois Lane librarian
Bernice L. Hayward has written: 'Fact and fancy'
Lex Luthor Lucius Malfoy Little Mermaid Lois Lane Lola (in Run Lola Run)