There's no Lv.98 code, you use the Lv.99 code. If you could make Doom Seeds or just raise them, of course, then you'll get Lv.98s. Simple!
Without using cheats, it is impossible to get a level 200 Pokemon in Pokemon Diamond. However, if you use an action replay, which is a cheating device that alters the games state of play, you can alter the game and make it show a level 200 pokemon. However, cheating has dire consequences in some cases. I know that you can because i have a level 200 rayquaza on my Pokemon diamond game. It does however require an action replay and i don't know the code for it but i promise that if i find the code, i will edit my answer with the code in it.only if you cheat
get pokesav from and make a cheat for pokemon you want in pokemon diamond. ----
Make a Golbat level up on a high friendship level.
it should already be on your AR. go down the list to shiny Pokemon. then all Pokemon will be shiny you meet
Nothing. You need to make Golbat to have Friendship or Happiness.
You can find that at
No but if you email they will make it for you.
NO. There is not. That would be cool if hey do
yes, but I forget the code. Look it up on action replay youtube videos.
01FFF3CF This code actually makes all wild Pokemon level 225, but they level back down to 100 after one battle.
Without using cheats, it is impossible to get a level 200 Pokemon in Pokemon Diamond. However, if you use an action replay, which is a cheating device that alters the games state of play, you can alter the game and make it show a level 200 pokemon. However, cheating has dire consequences in some cases. I know that you can because i have a level 200 rayquaza on my Pokemon diamond game. It does however require an action replay and i don't know the code for it but i promise that if i find the code, i will edit my answer with the code in it.only if you cheat
get pokesav from and make a cheat for pokemon you want in pokemon diamond. ----
im sorry but there is not a code
You can't. But there is probably an Action Replay Code for that.
there is no but you can get a trianer tool kit and make it up has a program that helps you write codes. You can make your own pokemon.