On Pearl, it is 7547322098201, and on Diamond it is 7547322098210, and on Platinum it is 7547322098241. Hope this helps! -Cheat Master! Oh Yeah!
You can either change your gender when you start a new game or search up the action replay code for gender change. hope you have an action replay
i don't believe there is, only the option to change character's gender
There is no such code for pokemon platinum
94000130 ffdb0000 b2101d40 00000000 20000094 00000000 d2000000 00000000 94000130 ffeb0000 b2101d40 00000000 20000094 00000001 d2000000 00000000
You can either change your gender when you start a new game or search up the action replay code for gender change. hope you have an action replay
Moi? Non, non, MY Pokemon character did not change genders. Your game, however, may have a glitch. P.S. Does anybody know how to change trainer genders on Platinum? I have the code, but...
i don't believe there is, only the option to change character's gender
It depends on which ar code you got... I got this ar code: Change Gender of Main Character (Select) 94000130 FFFB00002 B2101140 00000000 20000094 0000000x D2000000 00000000 x=0(Male),1(Female)
i have not come across one yet but there is one to change gender
There is no such code for pokemon platinum
There's a code for everything.
94000130 ffdb0000 b2101d40 00000000 20000094 00000000 d2000000 00000000 94000130 ffeb0000 b2101d40 00000000 20000094 00000001 d2000000 00000000
what is the code for 999 masterballs for pokemon platinum?
you can't