If you mean action replay, 94000130 fffb0000 C0000000 0000002f 12250010 000001ed Dc000000 00000004 D2000000 000000000
There is no code you trade with someone who has Pokemon white
There is no current code yet for rebattling arceus but if you have the Pokemon modifier code just throw away no master balls and you will run into arceus where you can encounter Pokemon
How do you catch rayquaza in Pokemon black and white
with the code on the card
The DNA Splicers don't actually appear in Pokemon black and white. There not even in the code so you cant hack to get them. They were invented by Ghetsis in Pokemon black and white 2.
The input code for the Global Link Dream World Arceus is ARCEUSVOTE.
There are no codes for any of the core Pokemon games.
No, there is no data of Pokemon black or white in Pokemon platinum so it won't know about any of the pokemon.
There is no code you trade with someone who has Pokemon white
well you cant becauase legendaries caant breed, but my friend said that he could trade me a legendary egg but i don't believ him. really the only way to find out is: CATCH A DITTO AND BREED IT TO ARCEUS. only try ditto and wait a long time. If you can, use a pkmon with Firearmor or Magmastone (if that's it) Ditto will get the egg i think. tell me your pal pad code and name;) Improved by:Zigyboo!
Arceus is real. You can get it with a Pokemon event or an Action Replay code.
There is no current code yet for rebattling arceus but if you have the Pokemon modifier code just throw away no master balls and you will run into arceus where you can encounter Pokemon
How do you catch rayquaza in Pokemon black and white
Arceus is a sinnoh pokemon. unless you have a gameshark and a code, you cant get it in ruby.
no it is immpossable unless you have an action replay with the Pokemon modifier code