she was fool enough to marry such a lazy, useless, passive-aggressive man
The main Character is Master Chief Spartan 117, although the Aribter is very important
Master Chief of the Spartans: John 117, and cortana
There is no Master Chief show. There is a character called Master Chief in the Halo games and there is an American cooking show called Master Chef. Master Chef information is on the Food Network site.
Mario... Then Link (Zelda), Sonic, Master Chief.
Master Chief is most definitely male. In the games, his voice is clearly male, and he is always referred to as male. In addition, the official backstory has him being a boy named "John" prior to him being selected to become a Spartan. Master Chief is a rank not a name, in the halo trilogy the main character is a spartan by the name of John-117 who is a male, but there are female master chiefs.
Rip's chief flaw is that he is lazy and avoids his responsibilities, preferring to escape to the mountains to avoid his nagging wife and get away from his duties. He lacks ambition and drive, leading to his isolation and eventual estrangement from his community.
Arrogance would certainly be a character flaw in Julius Caesar.
personality flaw; behavior flaw.
it is a flaw in a character
A character flaw is a flaw in a character's personality and traits that usually negatively affects them and often others around them, if the plot allows it. A good example of this would be a character in a story being overly curious to the point of consequence.
Hamartia is a tragic flaw or error in judgment that leads a character to their downfall in a tragedy. It is a key element in tragic storytelling as it underscores the fatal flaw or mistake that ultimately brings about the protagonist's downfall.
One. She was the niece of a minneconjou chief, her name was Woodpecker Woman.
The crow
A character flaw.
these nutes
His angry pride.