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There is no Master Chief show. There is a character called Master Chief in the Halo games and there is an American cooking show called Master Chef. Master Chef information is on the Food Network site.

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Q: Where can one find information about Master Chief show?
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master chief keeps his ammo on his thies/his upper leg, his pockets are made of armor in addition to the armor he he has on,he only has 1 pocket on each leg. just go to google and search up HALO REACH NOBLE SIX PICS and it will show you pictures of his ammo pockets in one of them.

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You can find information about the website Maxidus on the official website for Maxidus. It will show information on Maxidus, such as its location and contact information.

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I was watching this Show which was very interesting. Could you please share the questions with us.

What state does Rachael Ray do her show in?

go to: to find information about her and her show.