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Is show the rank of the Chief, the chief will have 5 bugles

an Deputy Chief will have 4

an Assistant Chief will have 3

an Battalion Chief will have 2 (crossed)

an Captain will have 2 (parallel)

a Lieutenant will have 1

it also shows the Chain of Command more bugles high the office is

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Q: What do the bugles on fire chief badge mean?
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Where do you go after you get your fifth badge in Pokemon ruby?

If you mean Balance Badge in Petalburg City. You need to go in Fortree City. Simple huh?

What does the elite hero badge mean in galaxy of heroes?

several things

Can you catch a rare Pokemon if you only 1 badge?

If you mean legendaries, then no.

Do you have to open a merit badge to work on it?

I'm not sure what you mean by "open". You should have your Scoutmaster's permission to start on a merit badge. Usually he signs a "blue card" which is the record of your merit badge progress. This is to ensure that you have any prerequisites that are required and that you are going to a registered merit badge counselor. You should make contact with your merit badge counselor prior to starting the merit badge to ensure you are credited for your work.