Insert a Gameboy Advanced game into the slot and that will give you access to play the game. Turn on the DS and select the bottom option with the title of the game on it and get ready to play.
Slot 1 is the slot at the top of the DS, for DS games. Slot 2 is the slot at the bottom of the DS, for GBA cartridges.
Yes you can you put on the bottom slot
You need to have your friends from mineral town in the bottom slot and your chosen game in the top slot. Load and save in the game in the top slot. Turn off your ds and take out bottom slot game. then< turn on ds and play, they will be there.
you have to blow in your ds slot cuz maybe yous slot is full with dust
Slot 1 on a DS is the slot that you put DS game cards into. Slot 2 is the slot for Game boy advance game paks.
Slot 1 is the slot at the top of the DS, for DS games. Slot 2 is the slot at the bottom of the DS, for GBA cartridges.
The GBA slot is on the bottom of your DS.
No, the DS and DSi use the same cartridges.
no it its not its only for game boy advanced but you can play it in the bottom slot of the ds
Under the bottom screen, if you're using an original DS or DS Lite model. Newer DS models don't have a GBA slot.
Yes you can you put on the bottom slot
You need to have your friends from mineral town in the bottom slot and your chosen game in the top slot. Load and save in the game in the top slot. Turn off your ds and take out bottom slot game. then< turn on ds and play, they will be there.
You will need:Nintendo DS or DS LiteGBA gameMethod:If there is anything in the Slot-2 of your DS, take it out.Put the GBA game into the DS's Slot-2Power on your DSPress 'Start GBA Game' on the bottom screen.
yes theirs a slot in the bottom
yes you can at the bottom of the ds is a slot and u can just slip it in
Yes, there is a slot for the GameBoy games at the bottom of the Nintendo DS.
yes they can ya in the bigger slot.