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Yes you can you put on the bottom slot

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Q: Can you play Pokemon emerald in ds?
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Is Pokemon Emerald available for the DS?

There is no Slot-1 version of Pokemon Emerald, though the DS and the DS Lite can play a GBA Emerald cartridge inserted into Slot-2.

Is Pokemon emerald version on the DS?

Unfortunately no but if you have one of the old ds consoles which accepts gameboy advance cartridgethe you can play emerald from the game oy to your ds

Were can you play Pokemon Diamond and Pearl ds online?

Well you can go onto vizzed and play pokemon games like emerald and sapphire on.

How do you migrate Pokemon from emerald to pearl to play in pal park?

Put Pearl in the DS and Emerald in the GBA slot (DS Lite!) Then when you start the game there will be a "Migrate Pokemon" choice, choose it and choose 6 Pokemon, they cannot know HM's though!

Is there a Pokemon emerald ds game?


If you put a Pokemon emerald game in a ds and a Pokemon platinum game in another ds can the accounts in each game battle or trade?

No. But if you put Emerald and Platinum in the same DS you can migrate pokémon from Emerald to Platinum.

How do you defeat team magma?

i don't exactly know because i don't play Pokemon ruby sapphire and emerald i only play Pokemon games for the ''ds'' like Pokemon black and white not for ''game boy advance'' like Pokemon ruby sapphire and emerald

I play Pokemon emerald on the ds and i wanted to know if the gameshark for Pokemon emereld which is the gameshark sp i think will work on the ds?

I dont know. But it depends if the gold things fits with the gameshark.

Can you cheat on Pokemon emerald with ds ar?


Can the Pokemon Company make DS Lite versions of Pokemon Emerald?

Pokemon Emerald already works for DS Lite, all GBA games work on DS or DS Lite. (It's the bottom socket, opposite the one that takes DS games.

Is Pokemon emerald ruby or sapphire on DS?

Its not on DS its on GBA however it can be played on a DS.

Can you trade Pokemon from Pokemon emerald and Pokemon ruby using a ds?
