heck no its halo! skate 2 is just for kids. halo is for teens who are real men!
It all depends on opinion but At the moment i would say it is halo 3 because it is probably the best selling game of all time. it is the best selling game of the xbox 360 so i would think it is a good game, the Call of Duty series is also really good i recommend any of the two series. also army of two tfd is a great game to play with with your friend
The space time continuum rips and we all die. Nice job.
An xbox, A game, and a controller... ---EDIT--- and a tv, and all the xbox cables
It all depends on what game, when it came out, and if it is new or rented. Otherwise there is no set pice for each Xbox game.
cyndaquil and charmander
Call of duty black ops is the best xbox 360 game of all time
Orange box was a good game and it involved half life,portal, and TF2. Best package ever.
It all depends on opinion but At the moment i would say it is halo 3 because it is probably the best selling game of all time. it is the best selling game of the xbox 360 so i would think it is a good game, the Call of Duty series is also really good i recommend any of the two series. also army of two tfd is a great game to play with with your friend
Some people feel it is one of the best game systems of all time, and others prefer Nintendo or Playstation.
Yes. All original Xbox games are compatible with the Xbox 360. However, you cannot play an Xbox 360 game on an original Xbox, or course.
Ocarina Of Time!
Uh there is no xbox there is a xbox game when you find all of them you eventually get.
It comes on the game at time of purchase. All you have to do is select it from the game menu.
The space time continuum rips and we all die. Nice job.
Yes you can infact you can play any xbox game on all xbox 360 game stations.
There is a huge game list for games that can be played on either the Xbox or the Xbox 360. All most all games now days play on either.
An xbox, A game, and a controller... ---EDIT--- and a tv, and all the xbox cables