

Best Answer

Shotgun, Pistol, and hand axe is the best minimal combo for stopping power and decapitation. Under only absolute last resort circumstances should combustibles (such as flamethrower, hand grenades, or any fuel based weapon) be used.

Along with this you can have a butcher knife, the shovel (no zombie can stand against a shovel) or may be a hammer you can use to kill a zombie.

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Q: What is the best weapon to use during a zombie apocalypse?
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The Smith and Wesson M&P 15-22 is the best weapon for a zombie apocalypse. It is an AR design which shoots the .22 caliber ammunition. The ammunition is the most affordable as well as the most popular.

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Drink and eat some coconut gel, and hope for the best!

Is there a way to survive a zombie apocalypse?

not unless you are a zombie your self *grim face* The best way to survive a zombie apocalypse is to avoid having one in the first place. Failing that, open a portal to another universe that is free of zombies.

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in the sea under the sea

What should you do in a zombie apocalypse?

Drink and eat some coconut gel, and hope for the best!

What is the best zombie weapon?

There are actually many types of best zombie weapon. Not everyone has the same opinion on anti-zombie weaponry. According to many books, youtube videos, and movies, these are the best zombie weapons are: USP .45 .357 magnum revolver M1A1 Carbine (best ranged zombie weapon) Ak47 MP40 double-barrel shotgun Barrett M107 Mossberg 472 lever action rifle trench spike katana shaolin spade crowbar (best melee zombie weapon) light crossbow For more information, I suggest purchasing Max Brooks' zombie survival guide or go to youtube and watch jtukwel edgedweapons88 OR Frenziedcalm

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Zombie Mace or an aluminum base ball bat

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The best type of door for a zombie apocalypse would be a very strong, windowless, extra barricaded door that leads to an inner door that is also as strong and barricaded.

Whats the best way to kill a zombie?

samuria sword what if theres 5? i think the best weapon to use is your dong..

What is George Andrew Romero best known for?

George Andrew Romero is best known for his series of horror films about a hypothetical zombie apocalypse. These films have been best described as gruesome.

What hit TV show centers around a zombie apocalypse?

The best known hit TV show that centers around a zombie apocalypse is AMC's "The Walking Dead", which premiered in October 2010. The show focuses on a small band of survivors attempting to live in a world populated by malevolent undead "walkers".

How long would you survive in a zombie apocalypse?

lets see... i live in NYC right next to a hospital and firehouse, with the PD 2 blocks away i live on the 2nd floor the best weapon i have is a hammer, although i have a few large knives. soo......i would say, 3 minutes