There actually is no best weapon in my standard... But I am sure others would the think the Blade of Bliss would be. If you would give us information on your level and class, this would be a much easier question to answer.
The best weapon is to cut people
The overall best weapon is the Plasma Cutter. This is the first weapon you will acquire in the game.
you have to go to the merchant but do not click him then you say "hi, best weapon please"
Well if you need a ranged weapon it is the bow and arrow, but the best melee weapon is the diamond sword, made with a stick with two diamonds on top.
The overall best f2p Runescape weapon is actually a range weapon - Maple Longbow (sighted). It has a range bonus of over 100. The best f2p degradeable weapon is the Gravite 2h. Both are Dungeonneering weapons and need 45 Dungeonneering levels.
freaking ashit
Untold Legends Dark Kingdom - 2006 VG was released on: USA: 2006
Untold Legends Brotherhood of the Blade - 2005 VG was released on: USA: 22 March 2005 (Playstation Portable version) UK: 1 September 2005 (PSP version)
There really isn't such thing as the "Blade of Bliss". It was posted on cheats but was not aprooved.
Spiky Thornax launcher i think
hahahahahhahaha get it
The best rank in league of legends is challenger.
The Whipper is the best weapon for Wyplash.
You have to fight a lot of monsters and other things to get the armor. you have to find the peices to the brotherhood armor.
There's no such thing as the best weapon. You can only define the best weapon for a already given situation. The best weapon is the one that allow you to utilize your army as a whole. But one weapon is never enough.
the best weapon is a bow and arrow
The best weapon is to cut people