Dude, um it all depends on your level and how many smithing bars you have. ________________________________________________________________________ Spears and Hastas Spears and hastas are members only and can be smithed after the quest Tia Bwo Wannai Trio and after you do some training in the art of the barbarian (look on the map for "Otto's Grotto"). Spears and hastas give x2 exp, so try to mix it with a sacred clay hammer for even more experience.
A Dragonstone + 2 Rune Bars
The best thing to wear in runescape for non-members is usally nothing or something light that offers some protection and for members will be some special event clothes with boots of lightness.
Power-fishing at Shilo Village is great for fishing experience.
Another place which is good for Chinchompas are the mummies in the chaos tunnels, these are around the same experience as the monkeys from 'Monkey Madness'.
At your level, I would say killing Experiments ( Level 25 - 100Hp = 400exp per kill ) near Canfis.
Steel Plate Bodys
Maple Longbow (u)
I don't think that such a thing exists.
Adamant Platebody
yes there is they are the best ranged boots in the game
A Dragonstone + 2 Rune Bars
Dragon Bones on a Gilded Altar.
The best thing to wear in runescape for non-members is usally nothing or something light that offers some protection and for members will be some special event clothes with boots of lightness.
Power-fishing at Shilo Village is great for fishing experience.
Probably Platelegs, but I'm not 100% sure.
Another place which is good for Chinchompas are the mummies in the chaos tunnels, these are around the same experience as the monkeys from 'Monkey Madness'.