This is my Personal opinion of one of the best team with it covering most types:
41, Thunderbolt-Lv
26, Mega punch-TM
1, Swift-TM
38, Razor wind-TM
2, Sky attack-TM
43, Fly-HM
2, Sky attack-TM
43, Fly-HM
2, Double edge-TM
52, Ice beam-TM
13, Blizzard-TM
14, Sur-HM
13, Razor leaf-Lv
30, Solarbeam-Lv
65, Mega drain-TM
46, Fire blast-TM
38, Slash-Lv
36, Ember-Lv
9(sounds pretty crappy, buts it's a pretty good move)
1, Mega Kick-TM
5, Seismic toss-Lv
37, Karate chop-Lv
52, Seismic toss-Lv
44, Karate chop-Lv
10, Low kick-Lv
46, Psychic-Lv
38, Psybeam-Lv
27, Confusion Lv
Psychic- Lv
37, Confusion -Lv
17, Dream eater-TM
42, Hypnosis-Lv
(If you chose Psychic over fighting (they both have goods and bads)
then try and get Alakazam
(if you can trade) It's a fair bit better than Hypno,
I chose Hypno
though as Dream eater and Hypnosis are an amazing combo)
All of these Poke'mon
will take alot
of work but used correctly they are pretty devestating,
I've posted them like this to give you a choice on your preferances
as this is my team.
As for Pigeot
and Aerodactyl,
I got a Pidgey
to start off with, (pretty crap moves but it gets better) then I switched it for Aerodactyl
(I thought it was gonna have decent rock moves, but it doesn't.... So whether or not you get it is up to you) when I got to Cinnibar,
took me A VERY LONG time to get it up to the smae
level as the rest of them (60-70) But it's worth it if you have the patience.
Hope it helped (took me long enough!)
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i don't really know but this is my favourite team that i have: Deoxys, shiny (best moves:zap cannon, shadow ball) Deoxys, shiny (no really great moves) Mew, shiny (best moves: flamethrower, thunderbolt, fly) Mewtwo, shiny (best moves: psychic, flamethrower, thunderbolt) Mewtwo, normal (best moves: psyichic, charge beam) Kyogre, normal (best moves: sheer cold, blizzard, surf, hydro pump) hope i helped :-)
There is no best team unless you hack it. any pokemon can be good if trained correctly
Physically Vaporeon has the best Power and the strongest moves,but depending on your team Vaporeon may not be the best choice for you. If you need any more help with this message me.
my team
There is no defined "best team" in any Pokemon team. What your idea of a best team, may be different than someone else's idea. Use the Pokemon you like, and train them to high levels. You can use any Pokemon you want, as long as you teach them the right moves, you can't lose.
Well that is up to you :P
There is no strongest pokemon. The best you can do is have a balanced team with a wide variety of moves. But it could be groudon. If you teach it solarbeam, and strong fire, rock, and earth moves. it will pwn.
There isn't a best one! It all depends on how you train it, what moves you teach it, and how much you care for it. It is best to have a balance of all types on your team though, so you'll be ready for any situation! :D
The best pokemon team for pokemon platinum is Infernape, Staraptor, Floatzel, Luxray (Shinx third evolution), Giratina and Bibarel( make it learn all its four moves as HMs).
really gardinia has grass type Pokemon so fire typ moves or ground types should do the job.
Empoleon in its 80's can beat everyone if knows the moves: Aqua Jet Drill peak :)
Any team of Pokemon is good. It just depends on the moves, the level and what Pokemon or move you use on your opponent. Just DON'T turn out the be an Uber n00b.just make sure your types support the other types on your team. dont have a team of all dragons like a n00b would hahahaha n00b
Only if you have the best moves and great power.
i don't really know but this is my favourite team that i have: Deoxys, shiny (best moves:zap cannon, shadow ball) Deoxys, shiny (no really great moves) Mew, shiny (best moves: flamethrower, thunderbolt, fly) Mewtwo, shiny (best moves: psychic, flamethrower, thunderbolt) Mewtwo, normal (best moves: psyichic, charge beam) Kyogre, normal (best moves: sheer cold, blizzard, surf, hydro pump) hope i helped :-)
I would have to say a really good team would be: Typhlosion Dragonite Lapras Alakazam Umbreon Gyrados It may have weakness' but if you teach the pokemon the right moves than you can be unstoppable.