i don't really know but this is my favourite team that i have: Deoxys, shiny (best moves:zap cannon, shadow ball) Deoxys, shiny (no really great moves) Mew, shiny (best moves: flamethrower, thunderbolt, fly) Mewtwo, shiny (best moves: psychic, flamethrower, thunderbolt) Mewtwo, normal (best moves: psyichic, charge beam) Kyogre, normal (best moves: sheer cold, blizzard, surf, hydro pump) hope i helped :-)
There is no best team unless you hack it. any pokemon can be good if trained correctly
my team
Balanced teams are trying to get all the types you possibly can with 6 Pokemon which is nearly impossible since there are 17 types. However since there are many Pokemon that have 2 types this can be done. There are many combinations to choose from the best team would consist of legendary Pokemon considering they overpower regular Pokemon.
swampert or blaziken are the best type to beat gyms or Pokemon league
There is no absolute best team. If you have 6 Deoxyses on your team and the opponent has one Darkrai, your team will essentially be destroyed. It all depends on diversity and which types of Pokemon you prefer.
The best team you can possibly get in Pokemon Ruby would probably be:SwampertGroudonAggronFlygonGardevoirLinoon (For item pick up.)
i would say a ghost type is the best.
There is no best team unless you hack it. any pokemon can be good if trained correctly
sorry only pokemon geeks would know that
The best Pokemon team in diamond is piplup, shinx, starly, machop, budew, and cranidos
my team
well, that may be orgin giretina. but for me, a male gliscore is allways the best. if i were you i would make my team on what Pokemon you like best :). hope it helped :)
i would say charmander evolved into charizard
Well I would say Groundon, Rayquaza, regice, registeel, regirock, and blaizecan.
Well my team was Wigglytuff charizard
My team is: Infernape Empoleon Torterra Honchkrow Umbreon Raichu Well that's my team... you pick yours