Physically Vaporeon has the best Power and the strongest moves,but depending on your team Vaporeon may not be the best choice for you.
If you need any more help with this message me.
there all exactly the same
best starter- turtwigs evolution (Torterra) best pokemon found in wild- roselias evolution(Roserade) best legendary- Shaymin (Event)
trade a Pokemon for somone who has torterra
Zapdos, articuno, moltres, alakazam, your starter pokemon, gyrados.
problably jolteon
depends what level
You can catch Moltres at Mt. Ember Peak in FireRed.
THE yellow pokemon :) lol
If you train your pokemon or use cheats you can be the best trainer.
the best Pokemon in fire red is lugiaAnswerthe best Pokemon in fire red is lugia
There is no "best" Pokemon because every Pokemon has its own weaknesses and strengths against other types of Pokemon,
there all exactly the same
best starter- turtwigs evolution (Torterra) best pokemon found in wild- roselias evolution(Roserade) best legendary- Shaymin (Event)
it depends on what is your favorite element fire, water, andgrass
Charizard is the best choice