

Best Answer

There is no "best" nature. Each nature is different. A pokemons' nature affects the stats it gains upon leveling up and it affects the types of pokeblocks it likes/dislikes. So in truth, it depends which stats you want your Pokemon to specialize in. Here are the advantages and disadvantages of each nature (+ means it gains more points in that stat, - means it loses points in that stat, and = means the stat remains normal.): NatureAttackDefenseSpeedSpec AtkSpec DefLikesDislikesAdamant+==-=SpicyDryBashful=====Bold-+===SourSpicyBrave+=-==SpicySweetCalm-===+BitterSpicyCareful===-+BitterDryDocile=====Gentle=-==+BitterSourHardy=====Hasty=-+==SweetSourImpish=+=-=SourDryJolly==+-=SweetDryLax=+==-SourBitterLonely+-===SpicySourMild=-=+=DrySourModest-==+=DrySpicyNaïve==+=-SweetBitterNaughty+===-SpicyBitterQuiet==-+=DrySweetQuirky=====Rash===+-DryBitterRelaxed=+-==SourSweetSassy==-=+BitterSweetSerious=====Timid-=+==SweetSpicy

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Q: What is the best nature in Pokemon emerald?
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