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Q: What is the best layer of a Minecraft world to find diamonds?
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Where is diamond in minecraft pe?

To find diamond on Minecraft PE (pocket edition) it is very similar to the computer version. Dig to bedrock. Your search for diamonds will begin ten layers up. You may search from ten layers up from bedrock, to about 20. Anywhere higher is pretty rare.

What is the best strategy to find diamonds in minecraft?

mining at about level 14

Is grass the best place to find diamond in minecraft?

No, the best place to find diamonds are on level 10-15.

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Diamonds are a rare mineral in minecraft found by mining. Diamond veins spawn once per chunk, and are found best on level 14.

What part of the world produces the best diamonds?

Alrosa russia and India have the best producing diamonds

What is the best brand of synthetic diamonds?

There are several companies that create synthetic diamonds or cultured diamonds. One such company that creates the best synthetic diamonds is New World Diamonds.

Where is the best possible place to find diamonds on Minecraft?

About 8~15 blocks above the lowest bedrock you can find. Making a staircase to the bottom of the world, then counting up is recommended.

How do you beat the 'diamonds' achievement in Minecraft?

All you need to do is defeat the ender dragon

What is the best plane in minecraft?

there are no planes but if you mean plains or biomes then they are all great but the best to mine for lava/obsidian is the beach the best to mine for diamonds and build your home is the forest.

What are the best seeds for Minecraft world generator iPod?

kaien's world

What is the best way to find diamonds in Minecraft?

My advice is, don't worry about it. From my experiences, I am more likely to find diamonds doing something else, like exploring a cave system, or looking for iron and coal.

What is the best weapon on minecraft?

Well if you need a ranged weapon it is the bow and arrow, but the best melee weapon is the diamond sword, made with a stick with two diamonds on top.