No, the best place to find diamonds are on level 10-15.
Chat with our AI personalities is the best place.
The most useful tool would have to be diamond pickaxe.
A good grass Pokemon in Diamond or Pearl would be Turtwig, his evolutions, Budew, Roselia, and Roserade. Those are the best I can think of. where to find some good grass Pokemon. I'm in the middle of training my Staraptor, and the best place to find some good grass type Pokemon, is the route before Sunyshore City, they are around level 38-43. Good place to train Staraptor, or any ice, fire or flying type Pokemon. x Hope I helped. x
The best place to watch minecraft videos is on the website YouTube. Since Minecraft is such a widely played game, there are many different types and groups of videos to chose from.
Diamonds are a rare mineral in minecraft found by mining. Diamond veins spawn once per chunk, and are found best on level 14.