i think watchog is better but not best cos it cant learn strength,surf,dive.
or else u can try a dragon Pokemon .cos it can learn all moves except dive
u can transfer a bibarel from platinum to blaclk/white as it is the best hm slave whcih can learn all moves
evolve a zigzagoon into linoone as in its best known as and hm slave... rest are useful... such as fly for a flying pokemon dive for a water pokemon etc...
Well not every Pokemon can learn all the hm moves, try tropius.
It's not an HM in Black and White.
You cannot get the TM/HM Whirlpool in Pokemon Black or White.
evolve a zigzagoon into linoone as in its best known as and hm slave... rest are useful... such as fly for a flying pokemon dive for a water pokemon etc...
Bibarel + SkuntankorBibarel + Drifblimthere is no hm slave
Well not every Pokemon can learn all the hm moves, try tropius.
machop is a good hm slave. he can learn rock smash, rock climb, strengh,. in Pokemon emerald nincada is a good hm slave but in Pokemon pearl flash is not an hm. any water type can learn waterfal or surf espacially palkia.
You get HM Waterfall at the end of Route 18 on the strip of grass in Pokemon Black.
No, you cannot get the HM Rock Climb in Pokemon Black or White.
Pokemon Black and White don't have HM Whirlpool.
most rock and figting but my hm slave is a shiny gyarados
It's not an HM in Black and White.
You cannot get the TM/HM Whirlpool in Pokemon Black or White.
Rock Smash isn't an HM in this game.