Whirlpool isn't in Pokemon Yellow Version.
SORRY DUDE THERis no hm for whirlpool in pokemon pearl diamond or platinum only heartgold and soulsilver. but that wuld be AWESOME:))
First you must have a badge from the Mahogany Town gym leader (he uses ice types). Next you must find the HM Whirlpool. Equip Whirlpool to a Pokemon and go to one of the Whirl Islands and use the move Whirlpool on a whirlpool.
Yes. You find zekrom in Pokemon white and the white Pokemon in Pokemon black.
The HM Whirlpool is not obtainable in Pokemon Platinum, for there is no use for it during gameplay.
Pokemon Black and White don't have HM Whirlpool.
Whirlpool isn't in Pokemon Yellow Version.
Find the whirlpool tm give it to totodile (if you have it)or any other water pokemon.
ice path
in Whirlpool island
In the jonto
SORRY DUDE THERis no hm for whirlpool in pokemon pearl diamond or platinum only heartgold and soulsilver. but that wuld be AWESOME:))
First you must have a badge from the Mahogany Town gym leader (he uses ice types). Next you must find the HM Whirlpool. Equip Whirlpool to a Pokemon and go to one of the Whirl Islands and use the move Whirlpool on a whirlpool.
Once you find the Team Rockets lair and you beat them and you catch/defeat the Voltages Lance will give you whirlpool.
You get it by teaming up with Lance and defeat the Team Rocket Headquarters. Lance will give you Whirlpool once you defeat them.
You can't get whirlpool. It is no longer a HM or even a TM. On the otherhand, (if you want it that bad) I have seen Wailmers use it battle.
Relicanth can be found on Route 4 by fishing in the shaking "whirlpool" spots. You would have a 60% chance of catching one, and the levels range from 35 to 60.