First you must have a badge from the Mahogany Town gym leader (he uses ice types). Next you must find the HM Whirlpool. Equip Whirlpool to a Pokemon and go to one of the Whirl Islands and use the move Whirlpool on a whirlpool.
go to whirl islands
Start at olivine city and pretend your going to Cianwood city. The small island is whirl islands. First you need whirlpool
Whirl Islands only exist in Gold, Silver, Crystal, HeartGold and SoulSilver.
In heartgold, Lugia is obtainable at the Whirl Islands but u need to obtain the silver feather from a guy in Pewter City. Once u have that silver feather, u can go deep into the Whirl Islands and find Lugia.
A person in Pewter City will give you the Silver Feather, then go to Whirl Islands. When you get to the end of the cave you will see Lugia.
i think he's in the whirl islands
go to whirl islands
In the whirl pool islands
w/ out cheats it is deep in whirl islands
using a super rod in the seafoam islands in the basement 4th Floor or whirl islands.(floors are unknown in whirl islands)
after defeating lance go to the whirl islands and he'll be there
In Heartgold, you can still catch Lugia, only later in the game.
In Pokemon Silver, LUGIA is found in the WHIRL ISLANDS at Lvl 40. In Pokemon SoulSilver, LUGIA is found in the WHIRL ISLANDS at Lvl 45. In Pokemon Gold, LUGIA is found in the WHIRL ISLANDS at Lvl 70. In Pokemon HeartGold, LUGIA is found in the WHIRL ISLANDS at Lvl 70.
You can go around the Whirl Islands, which is nearby Cianwood City.
You can find them in the Whirl Islands by Surfing or Fishing with a Super Rod.
Start at olivine city and pretend your going to Cianwood city. The small island is whirl islands. First you need whirlpool
Whirl Islands only exist in Gold, Silver, Crystal, HeartGold and SoulSilver.