

Best Answer

Whirl Islands only exist in Gold, Silver, Crystal, HeartGold and SoulSilver.

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Q: In Pokemon ruby where are the whirlpool islands?
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Where to get the hm whirlpool in Pokemon ruby?

In Third Generation Whirlpool is no longer an HM.

Where sea fourm islands in Pokemon Ruby?

The Sea Foam Islands are not in Pokemon Ruby.

How do you get to the whirl islands in Pokemon soul silver?

First, travel to Olivine City. Then, surf Southwest of Olivine to get to a Whirlpool. Then, use a Pokemon with Whirlpool to go across the whirlpool to get into the Whirl Islands.

Where do you go when you get whirlpool in Pokemon Silver?

whirl islands

How can you get the whirl islands in pokemon heartGold?

First you must have a badge from the Mahogany Town gym leader (he uses ice types). Next you must find the HM Whirlpool. Equip Whirlpool to a Pokemon and go to one of the Whirl Islands and use the move Whirlpool on a whirlpool.

What region can you find whirlpool islands in Pokemon silver?

In the jonto

Is there islands in Pokemon Ruby?


How do you get past the whirl islands in Pokemon SoulSilver?

you need hm whirlpool.

In Pokemon heartgold what do you do after you get all 16 gym badges?

Well, if you have a Pokemon that knows whirlpool, you can go back to route 41 and go to the mysterious Whirlpool islands.

Where is the Lugia hiding in Pokemon SoulSilver?

in whirlpool islands when u get tidal bell

Were to find whirlpool on Pokemon ruby?

You can't get whirlpool. It is no longer a HM or even a TM. On the otherhand, (if you want it that bad) I have seen Wailmers use it battle.

How can you get walrein in Pokemon SoulSilver?

Yes in the johnto go to the whirlpool islands to get a speal and evolve it