shadow force only giritina knows this move
My Favorite Ghost move is shadow sneak because it does alot of damage and it can attack first Hope this helps
Mewtwo is weak against any bug type move, any dark type move and any ghost type move.
It lets normal type moves effect ghost Pokemon. It also lets your Pokemon hit a foe that uses a move that boots evasiveness. When this move is used on Spiritomb or Sableye, it can be hit by a super-effective move due to the Ghost-type's immunity normally masking a Dark-type weakness.
Hyper beam is a normal type move, normal type moves don't effect ghost types at all. In other words, Ghost types are strong against Hyper Beam.
It is a ghost type move.
ghost can not move place to place because they are dead
shadow force only giritina knows this move
A ghost type move.
the ghost is in the living room and it can move or disappear
Since ghosts are considered intangible and immaterial beings, they cannot be physically harmed. Trying to harm a ghost might lead to negative consequences or interactions, as it is best to treat them with respect and attempt to understand their presence peacefully.
In theories of the paranormal, ghosts are said to move objects by manipulating energy or through telekinesis. This ability is believed to be a manifestation of the spirit's lingering presence in the physical world.
I don't know about Pokemon black and white, but in Generation IV the strongest ghost move is Shadow Force, but only Giratina can learn it. A decent ghost move is Shadow Ball if you can't get an Action Replay DS.
Yes, they are the kind of ghosts that move things around.
My Favorite Ghost move is shadow sneak because it does alot of damage and it can attack first Hope this helps