My Favorite Ghost move is shadow sneak because it does alot of damage and it can attack first Hope this helps
Spiritomb's only weakness in Diamond/Pearl/Platinum is Fighting -- but the only way a Fighting move can hit is if your opponent used a move like Foresight/Odor Sleuth/etc. to enable them to hit Spiritomb with that kind of attack.Otherwise, Spiritomb has NO weaknesses.Spiritomb is a ghost type, which is weak against ghost and dark type attacks.
diamond. the legendary has a better special move, and you can get a tyrannitar on there without importing.
Dive is absent in Pokemon pearl,diamond,platinum,heartgold,and soulsilver . But will return in Black/White =-)
youdon't defog is a hm move that is in Pokemon diamond, pearl, and platinum
yes as long as the move is available anywhere in the gamealthough Pokemon is awesome
Spiritomb's only weakness in Diamond/Pearl/Platinum is Fighting -- but the only way a Fighting move can hit is if your opponent used a move like Foresight/Odor Sleuth/etc. to enable them to hit Spiritomb with that kind of attack.Otherwise, Spiritomb has NO weaknesses.Spiritomb is a ghost type, which is weak against ghost and dark type attacks.
yes in one of the houses in canalave
diamond. the legendary has a better special move, and you can get a tyrannitar on there without importing.
Pal Park
Go to the move deleter in Canalva City.
In Pokemon Diamond and Pearl only, it is on the top floor of the Lost Tower.
Dive is absent in Pokemon pearl,diamond,platinum,heartgold,and soulsilver . But will return in Black/White =-)
It is in pastoria city the house close to the water
yes you go to the move deleter in canalave city