Spiritomb's only weakness in Diamond/Pearl/Platinum is Fighting -- but the only way a Fighting move can hit is if your opponent used a move like Foresight/Odor Sleuth/etc. to enable them to hit Spiritomb with that kind of attack.
Otherwise, Spiritomb has NO weaknesses.
Spiritomb is a ghost type, which is weak against ghost and dark type attacks.
electric ghost dark and rock. =)
Dark Pokemon are Psychic Pokemon's weakness.
Pokemon diamond
you cant be a Pokemon in Pokemon diamond
The weakness of flying type Pokemon is Ice, Electric and Rock.
talk to 10 different people under ground nexto spiritombs stone
fire is Mr mimes weakness
fire and ground
Fighting, ground, and elecrtic.
electric ghost dark and rock. =)
All known Pokemon have a weakness. But there is only one knoen Pokemon that does not have a weakness and that is Spiritomb he is found in both Pearl and Diamond but it is hard to catch. My reccomendation is get it from a trade in Wi-Fi or a friend.
Spiritombs are found in caves on Pokemon ( assume that is what you are talking about). You need a strong fighting type Pokemon and a good 'ball'.(I am only guessing)
Dark Pokemon are Psychic Pokemon's weakness.
all you need is a ground type, but for octillery, maybe use an electric Pokemon or grass one, or it will slaughter your ground one otherwise
Pokemon diamond
well my team is : 3 spiritombs with wonder gard make sure that all 3 spiritombs have 3 mental attack and nasty plot. A shiny likiliky with wring out,power whip,earthquake and magma storm. A porigon z and and a charizard with all max stats. p.s. all Pokemon are shiny and have wondergard. SHAYNE