Mewtwo is weak against any bug type move, any dark type move and any ghost type move.
On firered, you need to beat every trainer in the game and have rock smash and strengh
grass is his only weakness
Ground is electrics only weakness.
there weakness is Grass,water and rock
Mewtwos code: 94000130 fffb0000 d5000000 00000096 b21c4d28 00000000 b0000004 00000000 c0000000 0000000b d7000000 00024620 dc000000 00000006 d2000000 00000000
there is none.
Western Cave
No, but it's a sign that you need a hobby.
You have to beat elite 4 to get into Mewtwos cave
give it to celio and then mewtwos cave will be unlocked
On firered, you need to beat every trainer in the game and have rock smash and strengh
buy it in the wigglytuff friend areas(after beating rayquaza)
in sky you have to go in spinda cafe and wait until mewtwos challenge arrives
theres a pretty good chance most people find there dog by mewtwos cave (cerulean)
i have 54 mews and 2 mewtwos and 1 mewthree x
get blue version, name self, DxDyDzD, do missingno glitch. there will be mewtwos (yes plural) L. 180-185
You beat the E4 then go to the cave the kid was guarding in cerelun city (the one with misty as leader) He's at the end of the cave.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................