it boost up dragon type moves
Any Ice type move, Any Dragon Type move.
Gyarados is a dragon type of Pokémon that evolves from Magikarp. It can learn various moves such as dragon dance.
The best Starter is Squirtle just in your game have a Fire Or ice type.
victory road victory road
dragonite is the strongest dragon there is in leafgreen
it boost up dragon type moves
Any Ice type move, Any Dragon Type move.
There isn't a way you can get a full good dragon type team without trading unless you want more than one of a specific dragon Pokemon being either Kingdra or Dragonite.
Well , true dragon is a dragonite, or you can have look alikes, such as : Gyarados Aerodactyl Charizard
Gyarados is a dragon type of Pokémon that evolves from Magikarp. It can learn various moves such as dragon dance.
For ice you will need a electric and fire type. For foghting/ground/steel/rock you will need water, fying, psychic. Ghost, ghost or Dark. Dragon, Ice, Dragon. Champ, figure it out, you know what Pokemon he has so its your choice.
the strategy i use is have say a charzard(any Pokemon that can learn dragon type moves)but try to get one that is not a dragon type since dragon is weak to dragon
probably surf,hydro pump,crunch,and maybe dragon rage depending on how far you are in the game
The best Starter is Squirtle just in your game have a Fire Or ice type.