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it boost up dragon type moves

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Q: What does dragon scale do in LeafGreen?
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Where can you get a dragon scale in Pokemon LeafGreen?

On six island go south and use surf you should find an item that's the dragon scale.

What does the dragon scale do in Pokemon LeafGreen?

if you give it to seadra then trade it it will evolve into kingdra

What can you get in trainer tower in Pokemon LeafGreen?

King's rock, Dragon Scale, Up Grade, Metal coat.

How could you get a kingdra in Pokemon LeafGreen?

you get kingdra by evolving your seadra using a dragon scale.Kingdra can be obtained by trading a Seadra while it holds dragon scale.

In LeafGreen what level does cedra evolve?

Seadra evolves during a trade when it's holding the item Dragon Scale.

What do you get after beating the Pokemon tower in Pokemon LeafGreen?

All you get is an evolution item, like metal coat or dragon scale

Which is the best dragon Pokemon in Pokemon LeafGreen?

dragonite is the strongest dragon there is in leafgreen

How do you evolve a kingdra in Pokemon LeafGreen?

Do you mean, "How do you get a Kingdra on LeafGreen?'' To get one, give a Seadra a Dragon Scale and trade it. Then get it back. And there you go, a Kingdra!!!!!! Glad that I could help!!!!!!! Ciao!!!!!!!!

Where are the dragon Pokemon in Pokemon LeafGreen?

oDragon tye ppokemon in leafgreen include dratini(Safari Zone pond where you get surf OR game corner for 5500) dragonair(evolve dratini at level 30) dragonite(dragonair at level 55) and Kingdra (trade seadra while holding dragon scale.

How does seadra evolve into kingdra ingba LeafGreen?

by giving it a dragon scale to hold as a item, and then trade it to someone, and when you trade it the other person you gave it to will have his screen with seadra evolving into kingdra! and if you dont know where to get the dragon scale, then go to island 6 and you'll find it their. i hope this works out with you.

Where do you find the dragon scale on POKEMON platium?

you have to catch a dragon Pokemon holding a dragon scale

What does the dragon scale do in Pokemon SoulSilver?

The dragon scale evoles seadra to kingra.When you trade seadra holding a dragon scale it will evolve to a kindra!