The best Starter is Squirtle just in your game have a Fire Or ice type.
the best electric Pokemon in leaf green is zapdos. u get it in the power plant.
Blastoise is the best but gyarados and cloyster are also very strong
Yes you can trade leafgreen version Pokemon to another leafgreen version.
Hold A, B, Start and Select.
bulbsaur,squirtel because they can beat the 1st 2 gyms.
dragonite is the strongest dragon there is in leafgreen
Squirtle or Bulbasaur because they can easily take out the first 2 gym leaders.
I think its moltres
I guess Zapdos
Four Island is a location in Pokemon LeafGreen. To start the journey there, you need to have at least 60 different Pokemon.
the best Pokemon are mewto and the rarest Pokemon ever mew.
You must start the game with it.
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