the best electric Pokemon in leaf green is zapdos. u get it in the power plant.
The best electric Pokemon is Luxray Lv.100
the best Pokemon to use against electric Pokemon is ground/rock Pokemon.
Blastoise is the best but gyarados and cloyster are also very strong
Yes you can trade leafgreen version Pokemon to another leafgreen version.
The best water type would be Kyogre but you can't get it in leafgreen you need to get one from sapphire or emerald other than that the best water Pokemon is blastoise.
grass and electric types
dragonite is the strongest dragon there is in leafgreen
I think its moltres
I guess Zapdos
a lot. all of the electric Pokemon can be found except some from emerald and most from diamond and pearl.
Use a lot of rock- and ground- type Pokemon, they're super-effective on electric-type.
the best Pokemon are mewto and the rarest Pokemon ever mew.
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