

Best Answer

Okay First of All...

If you like Assault Weapons..

AK-47 +grenade launcher

M4 Carbine +grenade launcher

M16A4 + grenade launcher

If you like Sub Machine Guns..




If you like Light Machine Guns..


M60E4 +seight of hand because it takes to long to reload

If you like Shotguns..


If you like Sniper Rifles


Barrett seight of hand because it takes to long to bring the scope to your eye.(if you like quick scoping)

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Q: What is the best COD4 weapon?
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Who is the Best at COD4 is a matter of opinion. If you own COD4 just go online and check the leader board. Depending on what console you own it on will produce different results.This question has now been protected due to repeated vandal attacks. This is the most neutral, balanced answer.

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There's no such thing as the best weapon. You can only define the best weapon for a already given situation. The best weapon is the one that allow you to utilize your army as a whole. But one weapon is never enough.

What is the best free online game in the world?

It's a matter of opinion. I have none cause I have cod4.

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