What the pianist did when he took up mountain climbing.
Answer: PRACTICES "SCALES" (tackle, babied, vassal, scribe, solace, apathy)
Daily Jumble 4/16/16:Traffic on the horse farm was caused by...Answer: "TAIL-GAITERS" (manly, ditto, ripsaw, voyage)
The couple left the restaurant because the accordion music was… Answer: Gaudy, whoop, rarity, jungle, and "DRAWN" OUT.
Daily Jumble 4/12/17:The horned animals loved butting heads, even with the...Answer: RAMIFICATIONSClue Words: frame, civic, season, quaint
When the Jumble artist went for a drive, he did this. Answer: SANG CAR TUNES (enact, scout, spring, attain)
Daily Jumble 4/22/17:When children played with their new Slinky toys in April of 1946, it was...Answer: SPRINGTIMEclue words: grunt, messy, tricky, impede
April 2, 1995
Daily Jumble 4/16/16:Traffic on the horse farm was caused by...Answer: "TAIL-GAITERS" (manly, ditto, ripsaw, voyage)
The couple left the restaurant because the accordion music was… Answer: Gaudy, whoop, rarity, jungle, and "DRAWN" OUT.
Daily Jumble 4/6/17:The shoe store went out of business because not enough people...Answer: SET FOOT IN ITClue Words: fatty, icing, studio, bounce
Daily Jumble 4/12/17:The horned animals loved butting heads, even with the...Answer: RAMIFICATIONSClue Words: frame, civic, season, quaint
Difficult to save face when you do this. Answer: LOSE YOUR HEAD (foamy, elder, hooked, unsold)
After getting to the emergency room, he was hoping for some… Answer: HOSPITALITY, soupy, fight, cavity, glitch
Clue: How the teen's music left dad. Answer: "EAR"-ITATED (agent, dizzy, turban, manage)
When many didn't suit her, she remained…Answer: WITHOUT A SUITOR (fiasco, bought, detach, polite, shadow, rebuke)
Her allergies were acting up on her tropical vacation. She felt like she was in...Answer: "POLLEN-ESIA" (adapt, dunce, salmon, likely)
When Mickey Mantle made his debut with the NY Yankees on 4-17-1951, he did this with his teammates. answer: HIT IT OFF (sniff, third, untold, intent)
When the Jumble artist went for a drive, he did this. Answer: SANG CAR TUNES (enact, scout, spring, attain)