Daily Jumble 4/16/16:
Traffic on the horse farm was caused by...
Answer: "TAIL-GAITERS" (manly, ditto, ripsaw, voyage)
Daily Jumble 6/24/16: The landlord wouldn't sign for tenants' packages, ... Answer: NO "ACCEPTIONS" (conga, pants, stereo, hectic)
Daily Jumble 3/22/16:The downpour at the airport turned the tarmac into a...Answer: FLOOD "PLANE" (often, offer, piglet, radial)
Daily Jumble 11/26/16:When the plant nursery bought more land, they were this on their competition.Answer: GAINING GROUNDClue words: world, sunny, intact, giggle
Daily Jumble 5/28/16:When the comic strip creators sang on the way to their annual get-together, they were...Answer: "CAR-TUNE-ISTS" (abate, scout, square, intent)
Daily Jumble 7/11/16:On the sci-fi show, the Milky Way had a...Answer: STARRING ROLEClue words: ratio, slant, gerbil, creaky.
Daily Jumble 6/18/16: The Jumble authors' new apprentice was happy to be the... Answer: "PUNDERSTUDY" (rugby, douse, openly, defect)
Daily Jumble 6/24/16: The landlord wouldn't sign for tenants' packages, ... Answer: NO "ACCEPTIONS" (conga, pants, stereo, hectic)
Daily Jumble 6/25/16:Deciding what to study in college can be a...Answer: MAJOR DECISION (icier, joker, damage, second)
Daily Jumble 8/20/16:The bride was beautiful and her husband-to-be was...Answer: WELL-GROOMEDClue words: glade, merge, lounge, worthy.
Daily Jumble 11/10/16:When it came to money, the successful shrimp company...Answer: MADE BOATLOADSClue words: waltz, arena, daybed, cosmos
Daily Jumble 3/22/16:The downpour at the airport turned the tarmac into a...Answer: FLOOD "PLANE" (often, offer, piglet, radial)
Daily Jumble 11/26/16:When the plant nursery bought more land, they were this on their competition.Answer: GAINING GROUNDClue words: world, sunny, intact, giggle
Daily Jumble 7/4/16: After gaining independence from Britain, their favorite beverage was... Answer: "LIBER-TEA" (acute, river, blight, allied)
Daily Jumble 1/21/16:His knowledge about the Scandinavian god of thunder made him an...Answer: A-THOR-ITY (utter, poise, safety, higher)
Daily Jumble 9/17/16: The fishermen paid for large minnows, but it looked like it was a... Answer: BAIT AND SWITCH Clue words: whisk, third, canvas, bounty
Daily Jumble 5/28/16:When the comic strip creators sang on the way to their annual get-together, they were...Answer: "CAR-TUNE-ISTS" (abate, scout, square, intent)
Daily Jumble 7/11/16:On the sci-fi show, the Milky Way had a...Answer: STARRING ROLEClue words: ratio, slant, gerbil, creaky.