When the Jumble artist went for a drive, he did this.
Answer: SANG CAR TUNES (enact, scout, spring, attain)
Daily Jumble 4/12/17:The horned animals loved butting heads, even with the...Answer: RAMIFICATIONSClue Words: frame, civic, season, quaint
Daily Jumble 12/12/17:With each tentacle holding food, the octopus...Answer: "EIGHT" his DINNERClue words: money, digit, gritty, quench
Daily Jumble 7/12/16:She had so many clothes that her home looked like a...Answer: "WEAR-HOUSE" (shyly, erupt, onward, future)
Daily Jumble 1/12/16:He was hoping his mother-in-law would be leaving today, but she had...Answer: STAYING POWER (price, tangy, wisdom, shaken)
Daily Jumble 2/12/18:The helicopter pilot who became a chef was a...Answer: CHOPPERClue words: pound, shyly, police, breezy
Daily Jumble 12/28/12 A Jumble artist's cartoon is a… answer: LINE DRAWING (agile, union, rudder, waiver)
Daily Jumble 4/12/17:The horned animals loved butting heads, even with the...Answer: RAMIFICATIONSClue Words: frame, civic, season, quaint
Daily Jumble4/12/12Clue: When the Jumble artist went for a drive, he did this.Answer: SANG CAR TUNES (enact, scout, spring, attain)
Daily Jumble 12/12/17:With each tentacle holding food, the octopus...Answer: "EIGHT" his DINNERClue words: money, digit, gritty, quench
Daily Jumble 2/8/12 Clue: His unique sound system wasn'tthis. Answer: STEREOTYPICAL (print, allow, classy, revert)
Daily Jumble 6/12/15: The Jumble creators usually call it a day when they... Answer: "PUN" OUT OF STEAM (oomph, truth, misuse, finale)
Daily Jumble 12/15/15:When the scarecrows had an outing, they had a...Answer: FIELD DAY (manly, swell, fatten, birdie)
Daily Jumble 7/12/16:She had so many clothes that her home looked like a...Answer: "WEAR-HOUSE" (shyly, erupt, onward, future)
Daily Jumble 1/12/16:He was hoping his mother-in-law would be leaving today, but she had...Answer: STAYING POWER (price, tangy, wisdom, shaken)
Daily Jumble 2/12/18:The helicopter pilot who became a chef was a...Answer: CHOPPERClue words: pound, shyly, police, breezy
Daily Jumble 6/4/15:The retired tennis star displayed the tennis racket that had...Answer: SERVED HIM WELL (vowel, emcee, shifty, dollar)
Daily Jumble 12/21/16:The captain of the tugboat was very busy. His job kept him...Answer: ON HIS "TOWS"Clue words: chess, wound, onward, fixate)