The code is max&jenny2gether4ever. No spaces and no caps. Wanna Add me?
Hannaht13 Tell me if you found me from the web ! ;p
It's max&jenny2gether4ever
Do you know the ballroom code for woozworld?? Answer: max&jenny2gether4ever When you enter it click "OK" and you will receive a free untiz shaped with a heart in the middle :) Thanks if you did it. I appreciate ratings
There are no such thing as a cheat code in woozworld
Woozworld activation code you can get wooz and beex by buying wooz
i belive it is 111223457
It's max&jenny2gether4ever
Hello woozens! i am delighted to see you! the answer to the heart code on woozworld is max&jenny2gether4ever. thanks..... i am megan020 on woozworld so check out my profile! until next time this is Megan020
The heart password in the ballroom. Which gets you a free unit. Is max&jenny2gether4ever No spaces, and you are not able to type it in the main woozworld chat.
Do you know the ballroom code for woozworld?? Answer: max&jenny2gether4ever When you enter it click "OK" and you will receive a free untiz shaped with a heart in the middle :) Thanks if you did it. I appreciate ratings
There are no such thing as a cheat code in woozworld
Woozworld activation code you can get wooz and beex by buying wooz
There are no cheat codes in woozworld; the only "code" is when you buy a activation code, which you will have to pay for