Daily Jumble 8/31/16:
The bridge pair argued constantly, so their opponents hoped they'd...
Clue words: while, blurb, hearth, adrift
Daily Jumble 4/28/16:To start his new job at the nuclear power plant, he needed to...Answer: GET UP AND "ATOM" (epoxy, madly, outage, pantry)
Daily Jumble 7/23/16: Their tour of the Grand Canyon began with their guide saying... Answer: "LOW" AND BEHOLD Clue words: ounce, while, paddle, absorb.
Daily Jumble 1/12/16:He was hoping his mother-in-law would be leaving today, but she had...Answer: STAYING POWER (price, tangy, wisdom, shaken)
Daily Jumble 6/24/16: The landlord wouldn't sign for tenants' packages, ... Answer: NO "ACCEPTIONS" (conga, pants, stereo, hectic)
Daily Jumble 7/11/16:On the sci-fi show, the Milky Way had a...Answer: STARRING ROLE (ratio, slant, gerbil, creaky)
Daily Jumble 4/28/16:To start his new job at the nuclear power plant, he needed to...Answer: GET UP AND "ATOM" (epoxy, madly, outage, pantry)
Daily Jumble 7/23/16: Their tour of the Grand Canyon began with their guide saying... Answer: "LOW" AND BEHOLD Clue words: ounce, while, paddle, absorb.
Daily Jumble 4/23/16:The guitarist's favorite pants were...Answer: "CHORD-UROYS" (gouge, drank, should, piracy)
Daily Jumble 7/23/16:Their tour of the Grand Canyon began with their guide saying...Answer: "LOW" AND BEHOLDClue words: ounce, while, paddle, absorb.
Daily Jumble 1/12/16:He was hoping his mother-in-law would be leaving today, but she had...Answer: STAYING POWER (price, tangy, wisdom, shaken)
Gland Poole
Daily Jumble 6/18/16: The Jumble authors' new apprentice was happy to be the... Answer: "PUNDERSTUDY" (rugby, douse, openly, defect)
Daily Jumble 7/2/16:After the explosion at the French cheese factory, there was...Answer: A LOT OF "DE-BRIE" (oddly, broil, freeze, faucet)
Daily Jumble 6/24/16: The landlord wouldn't sign for tenants' packages, ... Answer: NO "ACCEPTIONS" (conga, pants, stereo, hectic)
Daily Jumble 7/11/16:On the sci-fi show, the Milky Way had a...Answer: STARRING ROLE (ratio, slant, gerbil, creaky)
Daily Jumble 7/13/16:When it came to measuring the Earth's circumference, there was a...Answer: LEARNING CURVE (rebel, rigid, vacant, unload)
Daily Jumble 4/16/16:Traffic on the horse farm was caused by...Answer: "TAIL-GAITERS" (manly, ditto, ripsaw, voyage)