you dont need it.I tried it.Didn't work.I tried everything. Took me 3 hours to type the code in and it did not work. Sorry:(
There is no such code for pokemon platinum
What is the Pokemon 900 medicine code for action replay to Pokemon platinum
There is no such code.
if you mean star pokemon, giratina
Action Replay? Cheating? Cheatings wrong.
Use POKESAV to get an egg, and hatch it in Platinum
the Pokemon modifire code is my opinion
The only way is if you use Pokemon modifire code for Action Replay.
go on codejunkies and look for Pokemon modifire code u can get ANY Pokemon
look on and get the Pokemon modifire action replay code to get any Pokemon in the natonal dex
There is no such code for pokemon platinum
action replay cheat code dude Pokemon modifire cheat here 94000130 fffb0000 12od9045 00000000
yes, but you need the code for the Pokemon modifire, it is everywhere on the internet now but to get it to work you have to type it in manually, not with the computer. plus it helps to haye the 9999 masterballs cheat because that is what runs the cheat. p.s the Pokemon platinum Pokemon modifire screws with your game and restarts it, so don't even try
A cheat that modifies the Pokemon that will appear in wild.
what is the code for 999 masterballs for pokemon platinum?
there is no code.