#114 in Pokemon pearls Sinnoh pokedex in Unown. But in the National pokedex it is Tangela.
Pokemon 146 in the national pokedex is moltress and Pokemon 146 in the sinnoh pokedex is uxie. have fun!
114 = tangela 115 =kangaskhan i have my Pokemon POKEDEX book
to get data on Pokemon in your pokedex, capture the Pokemon unless they are trainers Pokemon then you have to cheat to get trainers Pokemon.
The Pokemon 47th in the pokedex on Pearl, is Mothim
Number 25 on the pokedex in Pokemon pearl is BUDEW the grass & poison type Pokemon.
how do you et national pokedex in Pokemon pearl? finish your sinnoh pokedex and either proffessor rowan will give you the national pokedex, or prof. oak
#114 in Pokemon pearls Sinnoh pokedex in Unown. But in the National pokedex it is Tangela.
Pokemon #4 in the National Pokedex is Charmander.
In the national pokedex it's tentacool, and in the pearl pokedex it's misdreavus.
you have to complete the first pokedex
You have to see all the Pokemon in the Sinnoh Pokedex.
Pokemon no.147 in the Pokemon Pearl National Pokedex is Dratini.
finish your pokedex