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to get data on Pokemon in your pokedex, capture the Pokemon unless they are trainers Pokemon then you have to cheat to get trainers Pokemon.

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Q: How do you register Pokemon in your pokedex on Pokemon Pearl version?
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Is there a list of Pokemon for pearl version on ds?

Yes, in the pokedex

What is the mystery Pokemon on Pokemon Pearl version?

Palkia. but u can also get garitina in pearl .and after u get the national pokedex u can get heatran

Is the pokedex same in Pokemon pearl and diamond?

if you are wonder if the pokedex is the same for those games well if you have Pokemon fire version or any other game for Gameboy then yes its a little different. but the pokedex for Dimmond or Pearl is the same as the one in Platinum version. hope this helps

How do you capture Heatran on Pokemon Pearl version?

You get him by finishing the pokedex and goin to the top of stark mountain

Whats the Pokemon that is number 46 in pearl version?

it depends. National or Normal pokedex?? it depends. National or Normal pokedex?? it depends. National or Normal pokedex??

In Pokemon where do you find number 58 in the national pokedex?

IN Pokemon platinum you find this Pokemon on route 201(after you get the national pokedex you put fire red version into your DS)and he will appear.Samething with Pokemon pearl and diamond.

What Pokemon is number 149 in the Sinnoh pokedex in Pokemon Diamond?

In Diamond & Pearl's version of the Sinnoh Dex, Pokémon #149 is Dialga.

Who is Pokemon 47 in Pokemon Pearl?

The Pokemon 47th in the pokedex on Pearl, is Mothim

What is pokedex number 25 on Pokemon Pearl?

Number 25 on the pokedex in Pokemon pearl is BUDEW the grass & poison type Pokemon.

How do you beat Pokemon diamond version and pearl version?

catch Dialga and Palkia this is incorrect, you finish the game when you have completed both pokedex + nationaldex.

How do you get national pokedex in Pokemon Pearl?

how do you et national pokedex in Pokemon pearl? finish your sinnoh pokedex and either proffessor rowan will give you the national pokedex, or prof. oak

What is Pokemon 114 on the Pokemon Pearl pokedex?

#114 in Pokemon pearls Sinnoh pokedex in Unown. But in the National pokedex it is Tangela.