Main Street
in sludge street
You can buy clothes from the Marketplace on Sludge Street,
You can buy items to decorate your room from most of the shops in Monstro City on the Main Street, Sludge Street or at the Port.
You will find clothing and accessories to buy at the Marketplace on Sludge Street.
Main Street
scroll all the way to the left in sludge street
The marketplace is on Sludge Street.
Dee mall iiz on sludge street 2 ur left a bit
Click the map and between the volcano and main street is the sludge street and go to your left using the arrow there you will find a abandoned hotel
he is at sludge street and on missions
it is on sludge street
it is on sludge street.
sludge street . xxfolkishinkxx
in sludge street
it's in sludge street main street the port
you get the duster in the DIY shop on the main street or in sludge street.