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You can buy items to decorate your room from most of the shops in Monstro City on the Main Street, Sludge Street or at the Port.

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Q: What are the furniture shops on Moshi monsters?
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Where is all the furniture on Moshi Monsters?

You can buy most of the Moshi Monsters furniture in the DIY and Yukea shops. You can also find some furniture in the Bizarre Bazaar and Horrods.

What stores at the Port sell furniture on Moshi Monsters?

On Moshi Monsters, there are no shops in The Port that sell furniture. However, the Cloudy Cloth Clipper might sell furniture, depending on the places it visits.

Where is the furniture shop on Moshi Monsters?

There are a few furniture shops on Moshi Monsters. For nonmembers there is Yukea and Bizarre Bazaare which are on Main Street. There is also D.I.Y which is on Sludge street. members can access all these shops and also Horrods and the Games Starcade on Sludge Street, and of coarse the Port which I think has some furniture shops but I'm not sure because I am not a member.

Is there a cheat for furniture on Moshi Monsters?

Cheating is not allowed on Moshi Monsters. If you are asking about codes for furniture, there are some. Most codes on Moshi Monsters are unique and can only be used once. There are a few Item Codes which will get furniture and that can be used by anyone at least one time.

Where do you get moshi monster stuff?

From various shops on the Moshi Monsters Map.

How do you send your made up items to the shops on moshi monsters?

you dont you send it to the maker of moshi monsters

How do you get in to shops on moshi monsters for members with out being a member?

You can not go into shops for paid Moshi Members unless you are a paid Moshi Member.

When will the other shops open on Moshi Monsters?

Moshi Monsters sometimes adds new shops, especially when they add a new area. However, the ones which are currently open are the only ones that will open. Other shops that you see on Moshi Monsters are just there as part of the scenery.

How do you sell furniture on Moshi Monsters?

To sell furniture on Moshi Monsters you go to Dodgy Dealz on Sludge Street. You can sell furniture, wallpaper and carpet and food, but I don't think you can sell clothes.

How do you get a job on Moshi Monsters?

Moshi Monsters can't get jobs working in Monstro City. The shops are fully staffed.

How do you get happeness on moshi monsters?

Buy your monster furniture

What is the code to be a member on Moshi Monsters?

You can buy a Moshi Member Time card from the shops or pay for membership at the Moshi Monsters web site.