Some things you can read that begin with H are: history, Hamlet, headline, Herald, Harper's, Harvard Review, horoscope, how-to books, hygiene tips, high fashion, haute couture, handy-man books, Hatchet
Hanging file folders
head lines
Hacksaw, hallow, highbrow and hollow begin with H and end with W. Homebrew, honeydew and how begin with H and end with W.
Honey suckle, hot asphalt or tar and hairsprays are smells. They begin with the letter h.
There are a few kitchen appliances which begin with the letter H. Two of those appliances are a hotplate and a hand mixer.
holding (a penalty in hockey)
Hanging file folders
Some pronouns that begin with "h" include her, him, and he.
head lines
People yell hallelujah, halt, happy birthday, help, hey, hi and hurry. They begin with the letter h.
Benjamin H. Read was born in 1925.
Benjamin H. Read died in 1993.
Some efforts are heroic, humorous or hapless. They begin with h.
Some prepositions that begin with the letter H are "hein," "hence," and "hither."
Hacksaw, hallow, highbrow and hollow begin with H and end with W. Homebrew, honeydew and how begin with H and end with W.
Harlequin, hot pink, hunter green, heliotrope and hazel are colors. They begin with H.
Some stars that begin with the letter H are Hadar, Hamal, and Hassaleh.