I have no idea! Nobody really knows her password, Because she always changes it for Safety reasons! Add me I'm Wiider on Fantage!
Username: Yara_yaraPassword: Heck if I know haha
The name of the person who created Fantage is Daryl Fantage. his last name is also Fantage It was made in 2008!
Yes. Wawagames.com has Fanatge play on the website. You can log on to your account and play on Fantage, it also has some Fantage games on there even if you do not have a Fantage account.
Yeah there is new fantages like Fantage Japan, Europe, Paris, Mexico and America!!
If you want a free fantage go to fantage and as the user name type in blabla12300 and as the password type in password.......... now you have a free fantage
her password is civic _ brigtet
there are none
e5 yt3s4e566t3se43trs2w3xrts
her pass is melanie765